20055731:I'm glad that I could have ppに関して persimmon 2020/06/05 (Fri) 11:03:58

Canal street was beaming with support and energy and I'm glad that I could be apart of this event as an ally. I remember cheering on a crowd of people and then someone hugged me and said “I love you so much. I feel like ...

上記英文中の I'm glad that I could be apart of this event as an ally.の [could] は直説法だと思います。I'm glad that I was apart of this event as an ally. と書き換えても、意味に大きな違いはないと思います。

I'm glad that I could have been a part of this election," Spector said. Spector said she still respects Dole and all that he has accomplished. "He achieved as much as he could in his lifetime. I respect him as a person, I just think that his time has ...

上記英文中の I'm glad that I could have been a aprt of this election の[could] は仮定法なのでしょうか? 上記英文を [could] を使わずに書き換えた場合、 I'm glad that I was a part of this election となるのなら、[could] は仮定法だと思うのですが、この考えは正しいでしょうか? そうである場合、この [could] は昔習った感情の[should] と同じような物なのでしょうか?
20055738:Re: I'm glad that I could have ppに関して round Home 2020/06/05 (Fri) 11:32:50
"I'm glad that I could have been a part of this election," Spector said.

I'm glad と何かを喜んでいるのですから、「現実に起きていること」または「起きたこと」しか喜べません。

I'd be glad なら「実際には喜んでいない」わけであり「あることがもし可能なら喜ぶところだ」の意味。

つまり「I am glad」と直説法で「現実に喜んでいる」という事実を述べているので、that節は「事実を表している」必要があります。

I'm glad that I could have been ...これは
I'm glad to have been...と同じ意味。つまり
I'm glad I was....と同じで、wasの前に「今から見て過去」のcouldが割り込んだため、could have been になっています。
20055768:Re: I'm glad that I could have ppに関して persimmon 2020/06/05 (Fri) 12:50:30